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The Great Bottleneck Period

The great bottleneck period refers to a professional state where maintaining the status quo consumes all your time and energy, preventing you from breaking through to the next level of life.

Here are some suggestions to help you move forward.

1. Analyze with Others' Experiences and Set Clear, Long-Term Goals

What factors are motivating or demotivating you? Do these factors serve your goals rather than conflict with them? Are these goals aligned with each other rather than contradictory?

When analyzing and setting goals, be realistic and refer to baseline ratios. For example, Jeff Bezos shared a story about the experience of learning to do a handstand—most people think they can learn it in two weeks; however, it usually takes six months. When you encounter the unknown and feel stuck, the answers are more likely to come from others and reality rather than from yourself.

Do not aim for a moving target. Your current situation may be exactly what you hoped for four or five years ago. Don’t be too greedy :)

2. Release Burdens and Optimize Processes

Can we eliminate those cost-heavy or low-value activities? While this may temporarily hinder growth, it could lead to a hockey-stick growth trajectory later on.

Take out a sheet to list your daily activities and indicate whether they are burdensome. If they are, how can you remove them?

3. Make Time for Deliberate Curiosity

To shake yourself out of a local optimum, you need to set aside time for new experiences. This process may seem unproductive at first and can take a lot of time.

You must be patient. Just like Steve Jobs did when he returned to Apple after his exile, cutting down on low-margin product lines and waiting for the next wave.

4. Invest in Infrastructure

Business is an infinite game, and you can always accumulate comparative advantages over time. If you have some extra time and are temporarily uncertain about future goals, you can always invest in yourself—improving your mental and physical health to help you fight in future battles. Keep learning and gaining knowledge to increase your chances of success. Optimize your business to work more efficiently and survive longer in the market.

Finally, do not underestimate your growth. Even prominent technologies like artificial intelligence or 3D printing go through a deceptive phase; they may seem stagnant for a long time and then suddenly explode at an exponential rate.

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