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4 docs tagged with "business model"

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Characteristics of Intangible Economy

The intangible economy is rising. It has three characteristics: Intangible assets can expand rapidly. Intangible assets are high-risk and irrecoverable investments. Intangible assets are easy to be duplicated.

How to Play the Infinite Game of Business Well?

Business can be an infinite game, and the ultimate goal of a company is to stay in the game for as long as possible. To achieve this, companies should plan for the long term rather than just focusing on short-term gains. In the book The Infinite Game, the author suggests that companies should establish a just mission, build teams based on mutual trust, embrace change, and learn from worthy competitors to gain an advantage in the game.

How to play the Infinite Game of business?

Business can operate like an Infinite Game and the ultimate goal of participants is to stay in the game as long as possible. In order to achieve that, businesses should get back to long-term thinking. In the book The Infinite Game, the author suggests companies need to have a Just Cause, build trusting teams, be flexible to changes, and learn from worthy rivals so as to gain advantages in the game.