Why Career Mentors Cannot Help You Get Promoted?
Research Findings
- Successful white men receive more career guidance than women and professionals from other cultural backgrounds.
- Women have more career mentors than men, but they get promoted less than men.
Why? ==Because career mentors cannot help you get promoted, but career sponsors can==.
What is a Career Sponsor?
A sponsor is...
- ==Your career investor and beneficiary==. They are a higher-level employee who can invest in your career development and benefit from it.
- ==A direct influencer of your promotions==. They can directly promote you or use their influence to help you get promoted.
- ==A resource sharer==. They can share their network resources to assist you.
- ==An amplifier==. They can leverage their platform and reputation to enhance your visibility in the company.
Who is Your Career Sponsor?
- Who controls the budget? Who decides promotions? Who allocates projects?
- Which leader can benefit from your career achievements?
- Which leader's network and platform can help you or your subordinates get promoted?