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Why Career Mentors Cannot Help You Get Promoted?

Research Findings

  1. Successful white men receive more career guidance than women and professionals from other cultural backgrounds.
  2. Women have more career mentors than men, but they get promoted less than men.

Why? ==Because career mentors cannot help you get promoted, but career sponsors can==.

What is a Career Sponsor?

A sponsor is...

  • ==Your career investor and beneficiary==. They are a higher-level employee who can invest in your career development and benefit from it.
  • ==A direct influencer of your promotions==. They can directly promote you or use their influence to help you get promoted.
  • ==A resource sharer==. They can share their network resources to assist you.
  • ==An amplifier==. They can leverage their platform and reputation to enhance your visibility in the company.

Who is Your Career Sponsor?

  1. Who controls the budget? Who decides promotions? Who allocates projects?
  2. Which leader can benefit from your career achievements?
  3. Which leader's network and platform can help you or your subordinates get promoted?
References:Want to keep learning more?