Designing Smart Notification of Stock Price Changes
· 15 min read
- 3 million users
- 5000 stocks + 250 global stocks
- a user gets notified about the price change when
- subscribing the stock
- the stock has 5% or 10% changes
- since a) the last week or b) the last day
- extensibility. may support other kinds of notifications like breaking news, earnings call, etc.
Sketching out the Architecture
- What is clearing? Clearing is the procedure by which financial trades settle – that is, the correct and timely transfer of funds to the seller and securities to the buyer. Often with clearing, a specialized organization acts as an intermediary known as a clearinghouse.
- What is a stock exchange? A facility where stock brokers and traders can buy and sell securities.
What are those components and how do they interact with each other?
- Price ticker
- data fetching policies
- option 1 preliminary: fetches data every 5 mins and flush into the time-series database in batches.
- option 2 advanced: nowadays external systems usually push data directly so that we do not have to pull all the time.
- ~6000 points per request or per price change.
- data retention of 1 week, because this is just the speeding layer of the lambda architecture.
- data fetching policies
- Price watcher
- read the data ranging from last week or last 24 hours for each stock.
- calculate if the fluctuation exceeds 5% or 10% in those two time spans. we get tuples like (stock, up 5%, 1 week).
- corner case: should we normalize the price data? for example, some abnormal price like someone sold UBER mistakenly for $1 USD.
- ratelimit (because 5% or 10% delta may occur many times within one day), and then emit an event
PRICE_CHANGE(STOCK_CODE, timeSpan, percentage)
to the notification queue.
- Periodical triggers are cron jobs, e.g. Airflow, Cadence.
- notification queue
- may not necessarily be introduced in the first place when users and stocks are small.
- may accept generic messaging event, like
, etc.
- Notifier
- subscribe the notification queue to get the event
- and then fetch who to notify from the user settings service
- finally based on user settings, send out messages through APNs, FCM or AWS SES.