Compound AI Systems and DSPy
Key Challenges with Monolithic LMs
- Hard to control, debug, and improve.
- Every AI system makes mistakes.
- Modular systems (Compound AI) address these challenges.
Compound AI Systems
- Modular programs use LMs as specialized components.
- Examples:
- Retrieval-Augmented Generation.
- Multi-Hop Retrieval-Augmented Generation.
- Compositional Report Generation.
- Benefits:
- Quality: Reliable LM composition.
- Control: Iterative improvement via tools.
- Transparency: Debugging and user-facing attribution.
- Efficiency: Use smaller LMs and offload control flow.
- Inference-time Scaling: Search for better outputs.
Anatomy of LM Programs in DSPy
- Define strategies for tasks.
- Example:
uses Chain of Thought and retrieval.
Program Components:
- Signature: Task definition.
- Adapter: Maps input/output to prompts.
- Predictor: Applies inference strategies.
- Metrics: Define objectives and constraints.
- Optimizer: Refines instructions for desired behavior.
DSPy Optimization Methods
Bootstrap Few-shot:
- Generate examples using rejection sampling.
Extending OPRO:
- Optimize instructions through prompting.
- Jointly optimize instructions and few-shot examples using Bayesian learning.
Key Benefits of DSPy
- Simplifies programming for LMs.
- Optimized prompts for accuracy and efficiency.
- Enables modularity and scalability in AI systems.
Lessons and Research Directions
- Natural Language Programming:
- Programs are more accurate, controllable, and transparent.
- High-level optimizers bootstrap prompts and instructions.
- Natural Language Optimization:
- Effective grounding and credit assignment are crucial.
- Optimizing both instructions and demonstrations enhances performance.
- Future Directions:
- Focus on modularity, better inference strategies, and optimized LM usage.
- Compound AI Systems make LMs modular and reliable.
- DSPy provides tools to build, optimize, and deploy modular AI systems.
- Emphasizes modularity and systematic optimization for AI progress.