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Lambda Architecture

· One min read

Why Use Lambda Architecture?

To address the three issues brought by big data:

  1. Accuracy (good)
  2. Latency (fast)
  3. Throughput (high)

For example: The problems of scaling web browsing data records in a traditional way:

  1. First, use a traditional relational database.
  2. Then, add a "publish/subscribe" model queue.
  3. Next, scale through horizontal partitioning or sharding.
  4. Fault tolerance issues begin to arise.
  5. Data corruption phenomena start to appear.

The key issue is that in the AKF Scaling Cube, ==having only the X-axis for horizontal partitioning of one dimension is not enough; we also need to introduce the Y-axis for functional decomposition. The lambda architecture can guide us on how to scale a data system==.

What is Lambda Architecture?

If we define a data system in the following form:

Query=function(all data)

Then a lambda architecture is:

Lambda Architecture

batch view = function(all data at the batching job's execution time)
realtime view = function(realtime view, new data)

query = function(batch view, realtime view)

==Lambda architecture = Read/Write separation (Batch Processing Layer + Service Layer) + Real-time Processing Layer==

Lambda Architecture for big data systems

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