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Stream and Batch Processing Frameworks

· 3 min read

Why Do We Need Such Frameworks?

  • To process more data in a shorter amount of time.
  • To unify fault tolerance in distributed systems.
  • To simplify task abstractions to meet changing business requirements.
  • Suitable for bounded datasets (batch processing) and unbounded datasets (stream processing).

Brief History of Batch and Stream Processing Development

  1. Hadoop and MapReduce. Google made batch processing as simple as MapReduce result = => (morePairs)).reduce(somePairs => lessPairs) in a distributed system.
  2. Apache Storm and directed graph topologies. MapReduce does not represent iterative algorithms well. Therefore, Nathan Marz abstracted stream processing into a graph structure composed of spouts and bolts.
  3. Spark in-memory computation. Reynold Xin pointed out that Spark uses ten times fewer machines than Hadoop while being three times faster when processing the same data.
  4. Google Dataflow based on Millwheel and FlumeJava. Google uses a windowed API to support both batch and stream processing simultaneously.
  1. Flink quickly adopted the programming model of ==Google Dataflow== and Apache Beam.
  2. Flink's efficient implementation of the Chandy-Lamport checkpointing algorithm.

These Frameworks

Architecture Choices

To meet the above demands with commercial machines, there are several popular distributed system architectures...

  • Master-slave (centralized): Apache Storm + Zookeeper, Apache Samza + YARN
  • P2P (decentralized): Apache S4


  1. DAG Topology for iterative processing - for example, GraphX in Spark, topologies in Apache Storm, DataStream API in Flink.
  2. Delivery Guarantees. How to ensure the reliability of data delivery between nodes? At least once / at most once / exactly once.
  3. Fault Tolerance. Implement fault tolerance using cold/warm/hot standby, checkpointing, or active-active.
  4. Windowed API for unbounded datasets. For example, streaming windows in Apache. Window functions in Spark. Windowing in Apache Beam.

Comparison Table of Different Architectures

GuaranteesAt least onceExactly onceExactly onceExactly once
Fault ToleranceRecord AckRecord AckCheckpointCheckpoint
Maximum Fault ToleranceHighMediumMediumLow
LatencyVery lowHighHighLow
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