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76 posts tagged with "system design"

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Improving System Availability through Failover

· 2 min read

Failover: Failover is a backup operational mode used to enhance system stability and availability. When the primary component fails or is scheduled for downtime, the functions of system components (such as processors, servers, networks, or databases) are transferred to secondary system components.

Cold Backup: Cold backup refers to copying critical files to another location, using features or metrics/alerts to track failures. The system provides a new standby node in the event of a failure; however, cold backup is only suitable for stateless services. For backing up Oracle databases, cold backup is the fastest and safest method.

Hot Backup: This involves maintaining two active systems that share the same task roles, meaning the system operates normally while providing backup. The data between the two systems is nearly mirrored in real-time and contains the same information.

Warm Backup: This keeps two active systems, where the secondary system does not consume traffic unless a failure occurs.

Checkpoint (or similar to Redis snapshots): The system uses write-ahead logging (WAL) to record requests before processing tasks. The standby node recovers from the log during failover.

  • Disadvantages
    • A large amount of log recovery can be time-consuming
    • Data loss since the last checkpoint
  • User Cases: Storm, WhillWheel, Samza

Dual-host (or all-host) mode: This keeps two active systems behind a load balancer. The hosts operate in parallel, and data replication is bidirectional.

Improving availability with failover

· One min read

Cold Standby: Use heartbeat or metrics/alerts to track failure. Provision new standby nodes when a failure occurs. Only suitable for stateless services.

Hot Standby: Keep two active systems undertaking the same role. Data is mirrored in near real time, and both systems will have identical data.

Warm Standby: Keep two active systems but the secondary one does not take traffic unless the failure occurs.

Checkpointing (or like Redis snapshot): Use write-ahead log (WAL) to record requests before processing. Standby node recovers from the log during the failover.

  • cons
    • time-consuming for large logs
    • lose data since the last checkpoint
  • usercase: Storm, WhillWheel, Samza

Active-active (or all active): Keep two active systems behind a load balancer. Both of them take in parallel. Data replication is bi-directional.

Designing a URL shortener

· 4 min read

Design a system to take user-provided URLs and transform them to a shortened URLs that redirect back to the original. Describe how the system works. How would you allocate the shorthand URLs? How would you store the shorthand to original URL mapping? How would you implement the redirect servers? How would you store the click stats?

Assumptions: I generally don't include these assumptions in the initial problem presentation. Good candidates will ask about scale when coming up with a design.

  • Total number of unique domains registering redirect URLs is on the order of 10s of thousands
  • New URL registrations are on the order of 10,000,000/day (100/sec)
  • Redirect requests are on the order of 10B/day (100,000/sec)
  • Remind candidates that those are average numbers - during peak traffic (either driven by time, such as 'as people come home from work' or by outside events, such as 'during the Superbowl') they may be much higher.
  • Recent stats (within the current day) should be aggregated and available with a 5 minute lag time
  • Long look-back stats can be computed daily
  • Targeted use cases: The shortened URLs are to be copied-and-pasted only.
    • The URLs won't be typed in via a keyboard. Therefore, don't worry about distinguishing between 0 and o, l and 1, etc.
    • The URLs won't be spelled out verbally. Therefore, there's no need to make the shortened URLs phonetic.


1B new URLs per day, 100B entries in total the shorter, the better show statics (real-time and daily/monthly/yearly)

Encode Url

Choice 1. md5(128 bit, 16 hex numbers, collision, birthday paradox, 2^(n/2) = 2^64) truncate? (64bit, 8 hex number, collision 2^32), Base64.

  • Pros: hashing is simple and horizontally scalable.
  • Cons: too long, how to purify expired URLs?

Choice 2. Distributed Seq Id Generator. (Base62: az, AZ, 0~9, 62 chars, 62^7), sharding: each node maintains a section of ids.

  • Pros: easy to outdate expired entries, shorter
  • Cons: coordination (zookeeper)

KV store

MySQL(10k qps, slow, no relation), KV (100k qps, Redis, Memcached)

A great candidate will ask about the lifespan of the aliases and design a system that purges aliases past their expiration.


Q: How will shortened URLs be generated?

  • A poor candidate will propose a solution that uses a single id generator (single point of failure) or a solution that requires coordination among id generator servers on every request. For example, a single database server using an auto-increment primary key.
  • An acceptable candidate will propose a solution using an md5 of the URL, or some form of UUID generator that can be done independently on any node. While this allows distributed generation of non- colliding IDs, it yields large "shortened" URLs
  • A good candidate will design a solution that utilizes a cluster of id generators that reserve chunks of the id space from a central coordinator (e.g. ZooKeeper) and independently allocate IDs from their chunk, refreshing as necessary.

Q: How to store the mappings?

  • A poor candidate will suggest a monolithic database. There are no relational aspects to this store. It is a pure key-value store.
  • A good candidate will propose using any light-weight, distributed store. MongoDB/HBase/Voldemort/etc.
  • A great candidate will ask about the lifespan of the aliases and design a system that ==purges aliases past their expiration==

Q: How to implement the redirect servers?

  • A poor candidate will start designing something from scratch to solve an already solved problem
  • A good candidate will propose using an off-the-shelf HTTP server with a plug-in that parses the shortened URL key, looks the alias up in the DB, updates click stats and returns a 303 back to the original URL. Apache/Jetty/Netty/tomcat/etc. are all fine.

Q: How are click stats stored?

  • A poor candidate will suggest write-back to a data store on every click
  • A good candidate will suggest some form of ==aggregation tier that accepts clickstream data, aggregates it, and writes back a persistent data store periodically==

Q: How will the aggregation tier be partitioned?

  • A great candidate will suggest a low-latency messaging system to buffer the click data and transfer it to the aggregation tier.
  • A candidate may ask how often the stats need to be updated. If daily, storing in HDFS and running map/reduce jobs to compute stats is a reasonable approach If near real-time, the aggregation logic should compute stats

Q: How to prevent visiting restricted sites?

  • A good candidate can answer with maintaining a blacklist of hostnames in a KV store.
  • A great candidate may propose some advanced scaling techniques like bloom filter.

Lambda Architecture

· One min read

Why lambda architecture?

To solve three problems introduced by big data

  1. Accuracy (好)
  2. Latency (快)
  3. Throughput (多)

e.g. problems with scaling a pageview service in a traditional way

  1. You start with a traditional relational database.
  2. Then adding a pub-sub queue.
  3. Then scaling by horizontal partitioning or sharding
  4. Fault-tolerance issues begin
  5. Data corruption happens

The key point is that ==X-axis dimension alone of the AKF scale cube is not good enough. We should introduce Y-axis / functional decomposition as well. Lambda architecture tells us how to do it for a data system.==

What is lambda architecture?

If we define a data system as

Query = function(all data)

Then a lambda architecture is

Lambda Architecture

batch view = function(all data at the batching job's execution time)
realtime view = function(realtime view, new data)

query = function(batch view. realtime view)

==Lambda architecture = CQRS (batch layer + serving layer) + speed layer==

Lambda Architecture for big data systems

Lambda Architecture

· One min read

Why Use Lambda Architecture?

To address the three issues brought by big data:

  1. Accuracy (good)
  2. Latency (fast)
  3. Throughput (high)

For example: The problems of scaling web browsing data records in a traditional way:

  1. First, use a traditional relational database.
  2. Then, add a "publish/subscribe" model queue.
  3. Next, scale through horizontal partitioning or sharding.
  4. Fault tolerance issues begin to arise.
  5. Data corruption phenomena start to appear.

The key issue is that in the AKF Scaling Cube, ==having only the X-axis for horizontal partitioning of one dimension is not enough; we also need to introduce the Y-axis for functional decomposition. The lambda architecture can guide us on how to scale a data system==.

What is Lambda Architecture?

If we define a data system in the following form:

Query=function(all data)

Then a lambda architecture is:

Lambda Architecture

batch view = function(all data at the batching job's execution time)
realtime view = function(realtime view, new data)

query = function(batch view, realtime view)

==Lambda architecture = Read/Write separation (Batch Processing Layer + Service Layer) + Real-time Processing Layer==

Lambda Architecture for big data systems

Intro to Relational Database

· 2 min read

Relational database is the default choice for most storage use cases, by reason of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability). One tricky thing is "consistency" -- it means that any transaction will bring database from one valid state to another, which is different from Consistency in CAP theorem.

Schema Design and 3rd Normal Form (3NF)

To reduce redundancy and improve consistency, people follow 3NF when designing database schemas:

  • 1NF: tabular, each row-column intersection contains only one value
  • 2NF: only the primary key determines all the attributes
  • 3NF: only the candidate keys determine all the attributes (and non-prime attributes do not depend on each other)

Db Proxy

What if we want to eliminate single point of failure? What if the dataset is too large for one single machine to hold? For MySQL, the answer is to use a DB proxy to distribute data, either by clustering or by sharding

Clustering is a decentralized solution. Everything is automatic. Data is distributed, moved, rebalanced automatically. Nodes gossip with each other, (though it may cause group isolation).

Sharding is a centralized solution. If we get rid of properties of clustering that we don't like, sharding is what we get. Data is distributed manually and does not move. Nodes are not aware of each other.

4 Kinds of No-SQL

· 3 min read

In a regular Internet service, the read:write ratio is about 100:1 to 1000:1. However, when reading from a hard disk, a database join operation is time-consuming, and 99% of the time is spent on disk seek. Not to mention a distributed join operation across networks.

To optimize the read performance, denormalization is introduced by adding redundant data or by grouping data. These four categories of NoSQL are here to help.

Key-value Store

The abstraction of a KV store is a giant hashtable/hashmap/dictionary.

The main reason we want to use a key-value cache is to reduce latency for accessing active data. Achieve an O(1) read/write performance on a fast and expensive media (like memory or SSD), instead of a traditional O(logn) read/write on a slow and cheap media (typically hard drive).

There are three major factors to consider when we design the cache.

  1. Pattern: How to cache? is it read-through/write-through/write-around/write-back/cache-aside?
  2. Placement: Where to place the cache? client-side/distinct layer/server side?
  3. Replacement: When to expire/replace the data? LRU/LFU/ARC?

Out-of-box choices: Redis/Memcache? Redis supports data persistence while Memcache does not. Riak, Berkeley DB, HamsterDB, Amazon Dynamo, Project Voldemort, etc.

Document Store

The abstraction of a document store is like a KV store, but documents, like XML, JSON, BSON, and so on, are stored in the value part of the pair.

The main reason we want to use a document store is for flexibility and performance. Flexibility is achieved by the schemaless document, and performance is improved by breaking 3NF. Startup's business requirements are changing from time to time. Flexible schema empowers them to move fast.

Out-of-box choices: MongoDB, CouchDB, Terrastore, OrientDB, RavenDB, etc.

Column-oriented Store

The abstraction of a column-oriented store is like a giant nested map: ColumnFamily<RowKey, Columns<Name, Value, Timestamp>>.

The main reason we want to use a column-oriented store is that it is distributed, highly-available, and optimized for write.

Out-of-box choices: Cassandra, HBase, Hypertable, Amazon SimpleDB, etc.

Graph Database

As the name indicates, this database's abstraction is a graph. It allows us to store entities and the relationships between them.

If we use a relational database to store the graph, adding/removing relationships may involve schema changes and data movement, which is not the case when using a graph database. On the other hand, when we create tables in a relational database for the graph, we model based on the traversal we want; if the traversal changes, the data will have to change.

Out-of-box choices: Neo4J, Infinitegraph, OrientDB, FlockDB, etc.

Bloom Filter

· One min read

A Bloom filter is a data structure used to detect whether an element is in a set in a time and space efficient way.

False positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not – in other words, a query returns either "possibly in set" or "definitely not in set". Elements can be added to the set, but not removed (though this can be addressed with a "counting" bloom filter); the more elements that are added to the set, the larger the probability of false positives.


  • Cassandra uses Bloom filters to determine whether an SSTable has data for a particular row.
  • An HBase Bloom Filter is an efficient mechanism to test whether a StoreFile contains a specific row or row-col cell.
  • A website's anti-fraud system can use bloom filters to reject banned users effectively.
  • The Google Chrome web browser used to use a Bloom filter to identify malicious URLs.


· One min read

A skip-list is essentially a linked list that allows you to binary search on it. The way it accomplishes this is by adding extra nodes that will enable you to 'skip' sections of the linked-list. Given a random coin toss to create the extra nodes, the skip list should have O(logn) searches, inserts and deletes.


  • LevelDB MemTable
  • Redis SortedSet
  • Lucene inverted index

Skip List

· One min read

A skip list is essentially a linked list that allows for binary search. It achieves this by adding extra nodes that enable you to "skip" parts of the linked list. Given a random number generator to create these extra nodes, a skip list has O(log n) complexity for search, insert, and delete operations.

Use Cases

  • LevelDB MemTable
  • Redis Sorted Set
  • Lucene Inverted Index